Radiant at a glance.

There’s always a talk about first impressions. Attend an interview to show consistency, try look your best to give a visual impression of yourself. It is even said by some interviewers, that they take about 2 sounds to look at a resume/cv before even deciding to go any futher.

There is also the thing called “love at first sight”. I can’t say with certain but at first glance, there’s something that stands out. There’s this conversations Ted and Klaus had in “How I Met Your Mother” that really goes in mind. A conversation at a runaway wedding, and it goes like:

Klaus: Victoria is wunderbar, but she is not my “Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz.” She’s my “Beinahe-Leidenschaftsgegenstand”… it means the thing that is almost the thing that you want, but it’s not quite. That is Victoria to me.

Ted Mosby: How do you know she’s not “Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz?” Maybe as the years go by she’ll get “Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz… ier?”

Klaus: “Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz” is not something that develops over time. It is something that happens instantaneously. It courses through you like the water of a river after a storm, filling you and emptying you all at once. You feel it throughout your body, in your hands, in your heart, in your stomach, in your skin… have you ever felt this way about someone?

Ted Mosby: …I think so.

Klaus: If you have to think about it, you have not felt it.

Ted Mosby: And you’re absolutely sure you’ll find that someday?

Klaus: Of course. Everyone does eventually… you just never know when or where.

That is what I think about love at first sight. When I think of the word radiant, I think about the first time I met laid eyes on my partner. A radiant smile, a gentle person, caring and hard working.

Can’t say if love is always determined by first glance, but I can say its there when your least expect it. After all, a watch pot never boils. Everything happens at its own time.

P.S there is a speech about things happening at its own time on my other post here

Via The Daily Post – Radiant

Warning? A guideline right?

Warning, semi average reading follows . . . . . .

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If your still reading this, is shows what a warning really is. A guideline, a suggestion, maybe a glance of the future.

To me, a warning is a strong suggestion about a matter. Warning! slippery when wet; Funny I believe we still can slip when its dry or if were running. Guess it just means the probability is greater when wet. Warnings, hmm.

The list of warnings I got my whole life would probably fill a book. Not a 500 page book, but more or less a book. Sometimes I listen, and well sometimes I don’t. The question of the warning I suppose.

The matter to be is that, there are never enough warning to be given out. Which results in a contradiction to the initial or linked warning.

Crossing a road, look right and left. Ever heard of a X-Crossing, might need to look back and front too. And heaven knows what might fall from the sky. I mean like, we really have clue about some drivers really.

What I hope to express is that warning are just a strong suggestions of what could happen. Not always true but the same vice via. There’s always going to be warnings, just don’t live your life following it to the bottom line. Because the fear it creates, creates a limit which stops growth and new experience. Because like the quote suggest:

Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game. – Babe Ruth

Via The Daily Post – Warning

A web of toxicity.

Ever played the game of League of Legends? A fun, diverse and a large community. Watch their yearly World Competitions, you will see what I mean by a large community.

With any large group of anything, there’s its share of rotten eggs. Even the chicken have their off days. So with the large community, there are this hugely negative players.

Ragers, leavers, trolls and the casual retards. A group of people creating a negative impact on the game. With the maths, running into them is not too high, nor too low. Just luck really.

Only problem is, they are like moles and fungus. When once experienced, they spread like germs, creating more and more of the same problem.

Toxicity, term we use to discribe this kind of players. Question is where they all came. Family fued, the way they were raised, a bad day perhaps? My opinion, is its caused of anonymousity.

In the online world where everyone is anonymous, we can say anything we wish. No punishment, no judgements, Faceless they remain. The least known we are, the more we can say. Toxic we become.

Via The Daily Post Toxic

My betrayal. My tale.

Is it wrong to go where the heart desires? Is it wrong to neglect to talk about the matter? Is it wrong to carry on living?

A matter I know so well. Though not proud, nor ashamed, I live with the knowledge.

A simple longterm crush going nowhere, is it wrong if she develops feeling for me rather than my friend? A zero insterest for one, while one keeps insisting. Is it wrong for me to take the feelings into something new?

Something new that lasted a lifetime of memory. A young love that was true and have potential for way more. But came to a sad end with our highschool yeaes. A future paths across the oceans. Distance is a measurement of space; spaces in between. A space we couldnt overcome.

A brief end, maybe a pause or maybe an experience. Either way, I cant help but to think of my betrayal. Taking my friends crush. Afraid of confrontation. Though there were no interest in him, was I wrong to allow a relationship to develop? A relationship of his disapproval.

About ten years ago, still not a word has been spoken. My betrayal is still within me. A friendship I lost, a relationship that weren’t suppose to happen.

We live, only to wonder the past. If I could go back in time, I’ll still do it again. Though the betrayal was worse, the confronting was the dagger.

I would inform him. . . Inform him about the future betrayal; and perhaps the wound could be healed. Though I did the betraying, the ignoring and cess of my existance.

I feel betrayed too. I was wrong, but so was he. Forcing a love that would never happen. A friend might learn to accept it. A real friend would be upset but move on.

Is it stealing if you never had possession? My tale, but your judgement.


A Frantic Lesson. A Frantic Truth.

Make the plan . Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go off the rails. Throw away the plan – Wentworth Miller (Captain Cold)

A funny quote and is even based in a tv series. But more to the matters, it’s an actually legit concept. A black swan if you may.

Plans are guide lines, expectations for the unknown, a storyline we hope to occur. Fact is, it doesnt always occur and might never will. Sad and grewsome, but what can I say? That’s the hard reality.

The only really matter is how to we adjust and react to it. Frantic perhaps? Unphrased maybe? Devestated? Hopeful? So many interpretations possible for a simple case.

Whatever the case, life goes on. A life cycle of unexpected obstacle, face it we may, run away we could. We are who we are, we are not judged my our failures but more so of how we adjust. Modify. Adapt.

Frantic and worrysome often the case. But like the sunrise; its a moment, it will eventually fade away. Like the legendary song from Bob Marley, “don’t worry every little thing is gona be alright“.

A frantic mind will create a frantic chain of events. My opinion, my food for thought.

Via Daily Post –Frantic

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